Management of
Violence and Aggression

Physical Intervention/Restraint is a skilled hands-on method of physical restraint involving trained designated healthcare staff to prevent individuals from harming themselves, endangering others or seriously compromising the therapeutic environment. Its purpose is to safely immobilise the individual concerned.
Course Outline
Healthcare & Social Care Staff are taught to think about the use of physical restraint on a hierarchical response scale in relation to the potential for increasing violence from a patient.
The level of threat presented from the patient will dictate the level of response from the staff team.
Staff would be taught that any physical skill or action on their behalf must remain within the law.
The level of force applied must be justifiable, appropriate, reasonable and proportionate to the specific situation, and applied for the shortest possible time.
This is a competency-based course and as such the participant will be continuously assessed for the duration of the course.
The participant is required to achieve a PASS in all areas of the course to receive a certificate of competency. This is a requirement for both a new-starter candidate also someone who must complete a refresher course.
The lenght of training varies between a basic level 1 course (1-day) and a level 5 course (3.5-days) - all depending on your organisation's / healthcare provider's TNA.
Course Objectives
To achieve the aims of this course the participant will demonstrate understanding and consistency in the following areas:
The factors which may influence aggressive behaviour, e.g. theories of aggression, cultural and diversity issues, illness, age, substance abuse etc.
Models of Verbal Interventions (De-escalation Skills)
The need to use all possible alternatives other than physical intervention wherever possible
The Legal implications surrounding the Use of Force and physical Restraint
The Risks Associated with Restraint – certain topics will be delivered in line with the identified TNA and relevant training programme.
The importance of a professional approach, attitude and self control
The ability to clearly communicate with the client and team during episodes of restraint.
The ability to perform physical intervention / restraint techniques as supported by the GSA
The ability to work as a team member in a restraint scenario
Recording and reporting of Incidents in relation to restraint
The Assessment Process
The Physical Skills assessment method is that of continuous assessment.
Feedback may be given at the end of the day or during the day’s activity either by individual or group discussion.
There is a summative assessment at the end of each day.
A live-drill scenario may be composed and put in play by the course tutors in order to determine if there any gaps in each students learning and understanding of how skills may need to be employed also how the entire team operates in line with the current physical intervention standards.
The participant must achieve a PASS mark in all areas to achieve certification of competency at the end of the course. These areas are as follows:
Theoretical Knowledge
Professionalism (including approach and attitude)
Communication skills
Observation Skills including Patient’s Dignity aspects
Physical Skills including the Safety & Security of holds
Teamwork including Communication Skills
We will dispatch our tutors anywhere our services are needed, both nationwide also internationally.